Nay_ho_tze's Medicine Musings

having endured pre-language, infant abandonment,
i've always felt more at home with trees and flowers
 than i have ever felt among people -
so it just made sense i would learn early on
that, as herbs generally are to the body, 
so too are flowers and trees
to the emotions,
to the spirit, 
to the auric body –
flower medicine facilitates emotional processing, 
which in turn affects the health of the physical body ...
whether negatively or positively depends on us.

For more in-depth information on flower medicine, 
visit Dr. Bach's website in England 
it is from Dr. Bach that we learn the pure basics ...

since Dr. Bach we have learned that in fact   
each continent has its own a set of flowers -
regardless of the flowers,
the workings of the therapy are the same.
click here for a good inter-continental flower reference

I first learned to work with Green Kingdom energy 
at the knee of Grandmother ...
well, she wasn’t really my grandmother,
but i could not have loved her more if she had been... 
she was actually mother of 
the landlady and wife of Pa –

Grandmother's own medicine was Lithuanian 
and blended nicely with NDN culture 
(when I finally discovered that part of myself) ...
later, this Bostonian went on to refine those healing skills
with 2 Naturopathic physicians and even a flower crafter
in the Columbia River Gorge ...

flower medicine was destined for my shaman bag, 
as hinted at in 
this poem written in my teens –
I doubt I recognized it at the time, 
but the poem speaks of sacrifice and sacrament
and of how the former fuels the latter
in the practice of one’s medicine 

 related reading - Tree, a poem

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the green kingdom
mother earth -
"All things have their beginnings 
in energy 
which, according to Einstein,
 can be neither created nor destroyed, 
only transformed into different vibrations. 
When we become attuned to those differences, 
we can partake of the healing qualities therein ...
All of Mother Earth is our medicine cabinet, 
the Green Kingdom, especially --
flowers, herbs, trees - 
these all bring us our medicines."

To receive healing,
one simply aligns
to the necessary vibrational energies.
Flowers and some trees facilitate this process
in resolving emotional struggles.
Herbs and other trees align the seen (physical)
with the unseen (auric).
click this link to shop Flowers