eagles' wings
part 2 of 3*
click here for part 3
a medical procedure called a cisternogram …
in the case of my godson:
first he would visit an eye, nose, and throat specialist who would stuff his sinusses full of tiny flat marked cardboard tags attached to strings that hung out his nose down to his chin …
than when he spoke about the accident ...
curiously enough out of the 7 people in the car, he was the only one buckled -
everyone else had been thrown from the car -
he was trapped in at the point of contact
but it was the cisternogram which instilled the most fear, and every time he told the story,
and counter with a silent prayer against what his fear was surely calling to himself ...
using a plug of fat taken from his groin -
to verify and locate CSF leakage, he needed another cisternogram
of each other was during the CAT scan –
his surgeon, the aforementioned pioneering neurosurgeon, phoned me that night -
i heard, 'like a carpet' -
and thus exposing the hole therein -
when i hung up and had regained enough of myself,
i realized i had never had to deliver such news to anyone ever before …
and i didn’t want to this time …
in fact, i wanted to tell him as little as possible …
through my brain like a runaway locomotive …
i thought my head would explode until an incredible surge of electricity coursed through my solar plexus,
and i'd roused them all from bed and took them sledding out under the stars
so they didn't know the reason for this morning picnic
we arrived at the river, deserted as we'd expected it to be, and even though under protest,
she didn’t know we were at the river looking for healing -…
to me any coincidence for good or bad is Spirit's calling card
sipping lukewarm coffee from a thermos, i scanned the area for the other two kids,
my godson and eldest daughter, who had taken off to climb
the steep slope of the cliff overhanging the Columbia.
i finally spied them nearing the top edge
and when they reached it, we all waved to each other.
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isa 40:31
it should be noted, said event earned my godson a new nickname:
Nine Eagles